Thank you for visiting our website. This privacy policy tells you how we collect and use information, on and from the website, and how we protect your privacy. The term “Personal Information” in this privacy policy means any information from which your identity is apparent or can be reasonably...
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Always smile with 9mile

At 9mile we know that you can't do today's job with yesterday's methods and still be in business tomorrow!
9mile – “Discover the apple difference”
Relationships are at the core of our business, 9mile’s “state of the art” facility has left no stone unturned in our pursuit to “value add” the businesses of both our growers and customers. Contact us at 9mile and see how we can help you.
exceptional presentation!!
new apple varieties!!
value adding!
new technologies
Our valued relationships are what help keep 9mile at the forefront of the fresh produce industry… our partners provide 9mile continual efficiencies by providing exciting new idea’s and smarter ways of doing things..